Demon Treasure

Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

Need a Zeny but don't know where to make them?

Let's rescue Deviruchis and claim rewards!

In this guide, we will check out the Demon Treasure!

1.Demon Treasure

This is a daily activity that gives away free rewards!

You can grab free rewards by rescuing trapped Deviruchis in Prontera West or South Gate.

You can do it automatically.

Or do it manually, by clicking the Rescue button next to the trapped Deviruchis.


The reward items vary from Zeny bags, Refining Mats, Cores, and more.

You will also have a chance to play roulette for a chance to get exclusive goodies like the Deviruchi Hat Blueprint~

That's it for the Demon Treasure!

Hopefully, you will get good items from rescuing the Deviruchis.

Last updated

#161: Roo's Jun 6 changes

Change request updated