Guild League

Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

Guild Event: Guild LeagueGuild League, where guilds compete against each other on a fierce battlefield!

You can check the Guild League in the [Guild] - [Event] tab on the main screen.

Only characters above Base Lv.40 can participate in the Guild League.

Only guilds with 40+ guild members can participate in the Guild League.

At the beginning of the guild league, the ranks are divided according to the total adventures of a guild.

A matchup is formed by rank. And the guild ranking is determined according to win:loss ratio.

If the guild rank is at the top, the rank will increase.

However, if the guild rank is low, the rating may drop.


The rewards you can receive are different depending on your rank.

You should work together with your guild members and aim for a high ranking! You can also check the results after the game is over. ٩( ᐛ )


Guild League matches are divided into two battlefields, Main Battlefield, and Sub Battlefield.

Only elite guild members can participate in the main battlefield.

All guild members can participate in the sub-battlefield.

3.Elite Members Selection

Elite guild members can be appointed by the guild leader, sub-guild leader, and commander.

On the main battlefield and sub-battlefield, you have to kill monsters and members of the opposing guild.

For the main Battlefield, you need to capture the three towers, Sun, Moon, and Stars, to reduce the opposing guild's points.

Standing near the vicinity will capture the tower and will make it bound to the guild for 30 seconds.

Depending on the amount of damage done to the opposing guild, you can reoccupy it.

Mini monsters and large monsters will appear after the main battlefield starts.

Killing a monster is judged per last hit, and each time it is killed, the damage is applied to the opposing guild.

Even on the sub-battlefield, mini monsters appear after a certain amount of time.

The difference is that killing monsters and opponents on the sub-battlefield increases morale on the main battlefield.

When morale reaches 1000, 2000, and 3000 respectively, buffs are given to guild members on the main battlefield.

Garm and Ifrit appear 8 minutes after the start of the sub-battlefield, and Baphomet appears 13 minutes later.

The skills given to the main battlefield are different for each monster defeated. Guild League wins and losses are decided through the main battleground.

What buffs and skills can be given to guild members on the main battlefield will be coming from Guild members who kill monsters in the sub battlefield.

4.Commander Skills

Commander skills can be cast by the guild leader, sub-guild leader, and commander.

Please note that the skills are divided into ice, fire, and darkness, and the skills that are strengthened according to current weather.

They can also give commands to all guild members to adjust and turn the tide of the battle.

So far, we have learned about Guild League.

Last updated