Beginner's Guide

Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

Basic Guide


















Intermediate Guide


















Basic Guide

1.1 Creating Your Character

You will be introduced to the character creation screen, where you can select the gender, hairstyle, and eye design of your character.

1.2 Quests

At this point, you may have multiple quests available since Event quests should now be visible. You can swipe up and down on the quest list on the right side to scroll through your quest list. Tapping on any quest will make that quest active and will highlight your next objective on the minimap, often taking you right to the objective. You can see a quick list of your quests by tapping the icon with the three dashes on the far right which will show more details about quests and their rewards.

1.3 IGN Registration

After creating your character, you'll start out in the Novice academy. Your journey begins by setting your nickname.

1.4 Inventory/Bag

Next, is the inventory or the Bag. The bag is organized so it is easier to find potions, equipment, and cards.

1.5 Camera

The photoshoot system will be introduced. This is a feature you need in some quest.

1.6 Jukebox

This is where you can listen to all the Ragnarok Online soundtracks.

1.7 Combat System

The main quest will quickly introduce you to the combat system by showing how to use Normal attacks and using skills like Play Dead and Firstaid.

Manual Combat - Manually cast skills and auto attack

Automatic Combat - Automatically use all the skills you set under the skill settings.

Passive skills do not need to be set anywhere and are always active. They mostly add stats and add effects to your skill.

Active skills are skills that must be used to take effect. Your active skills are assigned via the Skills window and can be set either manually or Auto.

Auto Mode - Combat has an "Auto" mode that will search out enemies and use skills set to the auto bar on its own. Attack skills are used after the cooldown but buff skills are only used when their duration runs out so they don't waste time needlessly reapplying a buff that lasts for a few minutes.

1.8 Stats

Valkyrie will test you and introduce the stats system by letting you feel having these stats.

1.9 Headgear

Headgear will be introduced and you can select your first headgear.

1.10 1st Job Class Selection

When you reach level 10, you can check out each class. There are six 1st job classes that you can choose from. Swordsman, Mage, Acolyte, Thief, Archer, and Merchant. You'll even get to try out each job to get a feel for it before making your decision.

1.11 1st Job Change

Once you have selected the class that you want, you will be transported to the City or Town where you can change to your 1st job class.

1.12 Kafra Services

By the time you reach base level 10, the main questline will send you to one of the main cities and introduce you to the Kafra staff. Kafra Staff in cities offer saving services, storage access, and a teleport service.

The saving service saves this location as your respawn point. Anytime you die or use a butterfly wing you will appear at your last save location.

Storage provides you with a massive box to store goods which has tons of space.

Teleport service allows you to teleport to any zone you've been to. This is the best way to get around the world. Sometimes when you auto travel when tapping on quests, you'll notice it takes you to a Kafra and auto teleports you to get you to your destination as fast as possible.

Continue to follow the Main Questline Once job advancement has concluded you'll receive a weapon for your new job shortly after which is significantly stronger and better suited to your new job. Your class skills tab also looks different and now allows you to place points into skills. Some skills cannot be leveled until certain requirements are met such as putting points into prerequisite skills or reaching a certain job level.

1.13 Equipment Crafting

Once you reach Base Level 15, you can craft your very first class-specific weapon.

1.14 Daily Commissions

Once you reach Base Level 16, this is when the Daily Commission quests will be available. These quests reset daily and will change randomly each day. You will gain Base Exp, Job Exp, and other items after completing each daily commission's quests.

1.15 Redeem codes

Once you reach Base Level 20, this is the time when you will be able to redeem those OBT codes that you won and codes that the devs will give from time to time. You can access this under gift > Coupon Gift.

1.16 Guild System

You can learn about the Guild, create, or join existing Guild. The Guild system gives you a chance to be part of a large team of adventurers. Guild Features, Activities, and Instances will be available as soon as you join the Guild.

1.17 Card System

Once you reach Base Level 23 a quest will be available to unlock the Card System. To where you can inlay the cards that you need to add stat bonuses and to further boost your character's growth.

Intermediate Guide

2.1 Wishing Feature

If you are an adventurer that likes to collect fashion accessories, then the Wishing feature is for you. This is a gacha system where you can get fashion accessories like headgear and costumes, and useful cards using gacha tickets or using catnips.

2.2 Special Events

This is the time when you can view and join Server limited-time events to receive rewards.

2.3 Wardrobe

The wardrobe is where you can see all the available fashion accessories that you can acquire in the game. This is also where you can deposit the fashion accessories that you already own. The wardrobe has Headgear, Face decorations, Back decorations, Costumes, Hairstyles, and Eyes lenses that you can try on and even see their stats for advanced information.

2.4 Elemental System

This quest gives you an introduction to using Elemental effectiveness against monsters to increase your Damage.

2.5 Special Mounts

This is a quick introduction to the Special mounts you can use to speed up your travel speed from one location to another. You will receive a free Poring mount.

2.6 Accessories

This is when you will be able to learn about the accessories and receive the very first accessories that you can equip.

2.7 Pet System

The Pet System feature will be unlocked once you complet the guide quest. Pets will be your companion when you explore the world of Ragnarok Origin. They give useful buffs and can even help you in battle.

2.8 Carnival

The carnival is a new feature where you will be rewarded when doing some quests.

2.9 Trading

You can buy monster cards, cooked foods, crafted potions, and headgear blueprints.

2.10 Emblem System

The Emblem system is a system where you gain additional stats when you upgrade or increase your Emblem level. This system will be unlocked once you reach Base Level 27. Upgrading the emblem will increase the character's power as well as gain basic attributes (basic attributes include: ATK, MATK, and Max HP).

2.11 Memories of the Sage

These are dungeons related to one of the main NPCs Varmudnt. Book 1 will be unlocked once you reach Base Lv 30. You can team up with other adventurers to conquer each book and gain Base Exp, Job Exp, and items like Equipment Blueprint, Shards, and copper coins.

2.12 Deviruchi Rescue

This is a repeatable activity that you can do daily. You can get free items like Zenny Boxes and items like Verus Cores and Coppers.

2.13 Enhancement

The Enhancement system will teach you to enhance your equipment and gain ATK and Max HP using thread and diamonds. The enhancement is character bound and will be transferred over in case you need to change or upgrade your equipment.

2.14 Refinement System

This system will allow you to increase the refinement of each piece of equipment and gives more attack, defense, and HP attributes.

2.15 Growth System

This is a reward system to where you will receive some rewards when reaching a certain Level.

2.16 Mentor System

This is a reward system where you can be a Mentor and Accept a student and help them with some instances. You will receive Academy coins that you can trade with rewards and receive Base Exp and Job Exp.

2.17 Guild Quests

This is a series of quests that range from attacking monsters, or by introducing your guild to other adventurers. This resets every week.

2.18 2nd Job Change

You are now an intermediate Adventurer and can opt-in to upgrade your class to a higher one. New powerful skills and equipment will be unlocked to progress your character.

Last updated
