Monster Annihilation

Written by JeezPlayingAgain#7437 from ROO Discord Tavern

1.1 Introduction

Monster Annihilation is another method of farming for materials and cards. You can manually activate your Monster Annihilation timer by clicking on your Field Battle icon next to your portrait. Monster Annihilation will not give you EXP. It will only give you loot.

1.2 Monster Annihilation Time

You can gain 30 minutes of Monster Annihilation time every day by achieving 100 points in your Daily Event.

1.3 How to Activate Monster Annihilation

You can activate your Monster Annihilation by going to your Field Battle (the icon next to your profile on the top left corner) and then clicking the Unlock button. This will activate the timer and you will start receiving loot with increased chance. The best method is to find the monster you want to grind, going to that location and then activating it.

Click on your Field Battle icon that is located next to your profile in the top left corner.

Once you get to this screen, you can click the Unlock button and that will activate your Monster Annihilation time. (You must have at least 1 minute left to activate it)

1.4 Monster Annihilation Benefits

The benefits of using Monster Annihilation is the advantage of gaining additional materials for weapon crafting, or the chance of finding cards you desire.

Ex) While Monster Annihilation is activated, you can gain loot even if you are fatigued.

1.5 FAQ

Q1: Can you still get card drops if you don't have any Monster Annihilation time?

A: No, you are not able to get anything if you are fatigued and out of Monster Annihilation time.

Q2: If Monster Annihilation is activated but I still have Battle Time, which one gets consumed first?

A: If you still have Battle Time but your Monster Annihilation is activated, then your Monster Annihilation time will be used up first before your Battle Time.

Q3: Is there a level penalty for monsters if I am using my Monster Annihilation?

A: No, there is no level penalty for Monster Annihilation.

Q4: Does the Super Lucky Candy double my chance of getting drops during MA?

A: No, it doesn't double your drop chances, you just have a 50% chance of getting TWO drops of an item. For example, if Glass Bead has a 10% drop chance, Super Lucky Candy doesn't make it 20%. You just have a 50% chance of getting an extra Glass Bead at the original 10% chance.

Last updated
