Guide Quiz

Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

Do you have deep knowledge of the lore and gameplay in ROO?Why don't you challenge other adventurers to do a quiz?

In this guide, we will look into the Guild Quiz.

1.Guild Quiz

The event starts at 20:00, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After successful registration, the questions will be announced.

The event takes place in the Guild Hideout and, like the Guild Feast, you will gain experience while the event is ongoing.

2.The Registration

The registration starts from 20:00 to 20:03 by talking to Sophie's Office NPC. You will enter the instance after you registered successfully. And you can participate in the Knowledge Book Snatch. Reading more books can get higher initial activity points.

3.The Gameplay

3.1First Round

The first round will be a single-answer, multiple-choice question. The faster you answer and successfully lock your chosen answer, the easier it is to get higher question points.

Take note that after the selection is locked, you need to wait for the remaining answer time of the question to end.

All questions are in sync before you can see the next question.

If you encounter a question that you don't understand, you can share it with your Guild members and ask for help.

The square input box sends a barrage to the guild members for help.

After the first round of answers is over, according to the total points of the current guild and the whole server ranking level in the guild, Sophie will prepare different heroes for everyone.

3.2Tea Break

Oriental dining and tea. You can go to the long table from 20:07 to 20:10 to take a break. Enjoy the tea and BGMs to get extra rewards.

3.3Second Round

At the same time as the tea party break, the second round of the quiz will also be open from 20:07 to 20:10.

The second round of answers is a test of tacit understanding and must be related to other members of the same guild.


You can only register if you have a party of 2 guild members.

There is no correct answer for the second round. The answer is according to the options selected among all the members.

Make a tacit judgment, the more people choose the same option, the more points you will have.

The higher the degree of agreement. The tacit understanding (0~100) will be the same after the option is determined.

5.Point calculation

The actual points are calculated based on tacit understanding/number of members/answer speed, etc.

The option will be locked after the last answering member in the team answers for the 3-second set. The team with more members and the faster the option is locked, it will be the same.

It is easier to get high points when understanding tacitly.

※In the second round of answering questions, when all members of the team complete the answer and successfully lock in, it will proceed immediately to the next question.

The degree of tacit understanding is only judged among the selected members of the team, not the member who made the choice and does not participate in the judgment.

After the event, the ranking of individual points in the guild is based on the ranking of individual points.

High and low, different rewards will be issued by mail.


※Guilds with less than 10 participants in the event will be distributed uniformly to all members.

That's it for the Guild Quiz.

Let's learn and improve~

Last updated
