Guild Feast

Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

Wanna get more EXP? Or would you just want to spend time with your guildmates? Or do you just want to take a break from fighting monsters? How about hosting a feast as a chef? The Guild Feast is for you!

1.Guild Feast

The regular Guild Feasts go live on weekdays and the Weekend Banquet goes live on Saturdays at 20:00 to 20:20 server time.

During the event, players staying in the guild hall receive EXP.

One of the guild members can enable the Champagne Blessing to increase the bubble point rewards.

2.Cooking Phase

The preparation period is 20:00 - 20:07. To where you can form a party of two to participate in cooking contests. The aim is to get a high score by cooking multiple dishes within a limited time, to become the host chef of the feast!

Guild members are encouraged to participate in cooking contests for better rewards. A member's performance in the cooking contest also affects the overall guild performance in the cooking contest, as well as the bubble reward bonus.

A team of two players or a solo player may enter the cooking contest map. The party leader and the team member will appear in two different areas and can move between two areas via portals. You just need to submit specific ingredients from the food area to the table in front of the chef.

Random buffs may sometimes appear providing additional help to further progress your points.

One of the buffs is Accelerate, which gives your party increased MSPD.

Another buff is Overtime, which extends your challenge time. Don't forget to move around and collect these buffs.

Every now and then, the food area will relocate. You need to memorize the places of ingredients and plan your route according to the recipe and the location of the food area to maximize efficiency.

You can also walk in the middle of the food area to cut the time walking around the map.

3.Cream Brawl

All guild members will be transformed into chefs where they battle against each member and reign to be the Cream Brawl King!

You have the option to throw creams at other chefs or use a shield to block incoming creams. If you are hit 4x, then you are out and will be transformed to your original appearance.

4.Tasting Phase

The preparation phase is 20:07 - 20:10, which is followed by the tasting phase.

5 teams with high scores will be selected to be the host chefs of the feast. Five feasts are made in succession in the tasting phase, and tasting the food they created will give you rewards and a chance to be selected to win additional rewards!

More surprises are to be revealed during the event!

While the next menu is currently cooking, surprise boxes will appear where you can get additional rewards.The Cupid will also appear and will give you a quest that you can perform with your in-game friend. Once completed, you will receive a reward for both of you.

5.Weekend Banquet

The phase will be the same as the Guild Feast, but the cream brawl is removed. Instead, all the accumulated points earned by the members will be added and will be pitted against the points of other Guilds.

The guild performance is the sum of the top 20 party members with the highest cooking points in the guild.

Rankings are updated in real-time and the winning guild will be posted after the event. Guild members will then be provided with time-limited titles.

Cooking Master - For placing 4th to 10th in personal rankings of the cooking contest

Michelin Chef - For placing 2nd and 3rd in personal rankings of the cooking contest

God of Cookery - For placing 1st in personal rankings of the cooking contest That's it for the Guild Feast and Weekend Banquet!This is a great time to form bonds with your guildmates.Challenge other guilds and reign supreme in the kitchen!

Last updated
