
Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern


Here, you can see the current enchantment level, current enchantment stats, the material needed for enchanting, the available equipment that you can enchant.

You can also see the available enchantments, as well as the special stats that you might get during enchanting.

In addition, you will see the maximum enchant level for each piece of equipment on the lower left side of the interface.

2.Special Enchantment

When enchanting, the highest enchantment that you can grant your equipment is based on the following.

The special stats that you can get are as follows:

For example: If my character's Base level is 76. The maximum enchantment level that I can grant my equipment is level 20.

Reaching Enchantment level 20, the special stats that I can possibly get is ranging from Level 2-4.

But since my current enchantment level is below level 10, the special stats range that I can get is only Level 1 to 2.

However, increasing the Enchantment level of my equipment to Level 11 means that I can possibly get Level 1-3 Special Stats.

3.Enchanting Cost

To enchant weapons, armor sets, and accessories, you need Edden coins and Mora coins.

You can acquire Mora coins by challenging the Endless Tower and Helheim Dungeon.

On the other hand, if you have an enchanting voucher, you can use it instead of your Edden coins. Each voucher can be used to save 20,000 Edden coins.

As for headwear, facegear, mouthwear, and backwear, you need Starry Mora Coins, Mora Coins, and Edden coins.

Starry Mora coins can be purchased in the guild vending machine and RO Shop, and can be acquired in Guild League matches and Endless Tower.

4.Enchantment Level

Every time you enchant a gear, you will see the progress bar fills up. Once the progress bar is full, your enchant level will go up by 1. The higher the enchant level, the higher your chance to get powerful enchantment.

In this example, we are currently at Enchant Lv.10, and we can only get Lv.1 or Lv.2 enchantments.

However, if we upgrade the Enchant level to 11, we will now have the chance to get random Lv.3 enchantments

As you can see, the special enchantments range was changed from Lv.1~2, to Lv.1~3 instead.

If the enchant level is upgraded to Lv.55, then we will have a chance to get Lv.7~10 enchantments.

5.Pity System

The number you see here is the pity system. You will get guaranteed random special enchantment after you reach 50 tries.

Then it will reset to 1 after you receive the random special enchantment.

6.Enchantment Resonance

If you have 6x Level 10 enchanted types of equipment, then you will be able to unlock Resonance 1. Which gives additional bonus damage. You will be able to check here to see how much equipment you need to enchant before you can unlock the next resonance level.

7.Enchantment Lock

If you roll a specific enchantment that you really want to keep, you can use Binding Stones to lock that enchantment.

This means that if you reroll, the locked enchantment will not be changed. This is helpful if you need to keep a specific enchantment for your build.

For weapon, armor, cloak, shoes, and accessories, you can use Rare Binding Stones to lock the enchantment you want to keep.

Rare Binding Stones can be purchased in RO Shop, Diamond Shop, and Gold Medal Redemption. This can also be acquired when hunting MINIs.

As for headwear, facewear, mouthwear, and backwear, you can use Starry Binding Stones to lock the enchantment you want to keep.

Starry Binding Stones can be purchased in the Diamond shop.

Starry Binding Stones can be used to lock special enchantments on headwear, facewear, mouthwear, and backwear.

Starry Binding Stones can be purchased in RO shops and event shop.

8.Enchantment Transfer

Enchantments are linked to the character, so equipping a piece of new equipment will automatically transfer enchantment from the old equipment to the new one.

I hope this guide gives you an insight into the Enchanting System in Ragnarok Origin.

Last updated
