Hidden Poring

Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

In this guide:

  • We will know all the special porings that are scattered all over Midgard.

  • We will check the locations where to find them.

1.Find the hidden Porings

Each city area hides a strange-looking Poring (Poring Spirit). If you find it, it will be recorded in your Adventurer Notebook. You will also be rewarded with Copper Coins and Diamonds.

So let's start looking for them!

The feature will be available when you reached Base Lv 25 where you will receive a special quest.

At BaseLv25, you will be able to check Poring Notes from the "Guide" on the main screen, and Hidden Poring will appear in various places.

A new Poring will appear when Base Lv rises.

Raising the player's BaseLv will reveal a Hidden Poring in a new area. Therefore, if you can't find it in the area below, you may not have enough Base Lv.

The number of Hidden Porings in each Area is as follows:

Prontera Area

2.Prontera Area

Last updated
