
Written by JeezPlayingAgain#7437 from ROO Discord Tavern

1.1 What is Mini

Mini monsters are monsters in Ragnarok Origin that are relatively stronger than normal monsters. These Mini monsters have the same look as their regular counterparts but possess stronger power.

1.2 Mini Types

Mini monsters come in different levels, sizes, races, and elements. Meaning each Mini has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Ex) Toad is a Lv.27 Mini, which is a medium sized Fish monster with Water element. You can also check its stats in the monster archive.

Ex) Vagabond Wolf is a Lv.55 medium sized Brute monster with Earth element.

1.3 Monster Archive

You can find more information on every Mini by going to the Monster Archive in Guide. Mini monsters are indicated by the blue-slash mark next to their names.

Tap the Guide icon to get to your Monster Archive.

Tap the Monster Archive to see the list of every monster available in the game.

You can identify whether a monster is a Mini or not by the blue-slash mark next to its name

1.4 Finding Mini in the wild

There are a couple of ways to find Minis, the first is to find them in the wild of Midgard. You can find their locations by selecting in the Monster Archive. Sselect the Location tab on the bottom right-hand side, and You will see the location of that Mini. You can auto travel to that location by clicking on it. (Do note, that if a Mini has been killed, there is a 30 minute timer before the Mini monster will respawn.)

Once you find the Mini you are looking for, you can click on the Location tab on the bottom right-hand side.

After clicking on the location tab, you will see the actual location of the Mini. If you click on it, you will auto travel to that location.

1.5 Summoning Mini

The second method to find Mini monsters is to use Bloody Branches. Doing so will summon a random Mini monster. (Do note, to use a bloody branch, you must be in the Western Morroc.)

1.6 Rewards

If you manage to successfully kill a Mini monster, you will be rewarded from a specific list of random items. There is also a chance for you to receive a headgear blueprint as well as a card for that respective Mini monster.

Obtaining rewards after killing a Mini monster.

You can find the loot you can get from a Mini by clicking on the Loot tab

1.7 Daily Event

If you are strong enough, soloing a weak Mini monster may be possible, but finding them in the wild can be treacherous and stressful. The best way to finish your five daily Mini kills is to form a party. Once you have formed a party, find a secluded spot in the Western Morroc area and have everyone gather there. Then, one by one, use a Bloody Branch to summon a random Mini monster. Kill them and reap the rewards!

Form a party and head to a secluded area in the Western Morroc.

(Property of JeezPlayingAgain)

If you manage to defeat that Mini Monster, enjoy the rewards!

Last updated
