
Written by #weijin0993 from ROO Discord Tavern

After reaching Base Lv.100 and Job Lv.40, adventures are able to change your job from High Wizard to Warlock.

As in previous times, adventurers need to go through a job change quest, getting through a series of scenarios to finally realize a job change.

Once you change to Warlock, there will be new skills, and leveling your job from Lv.1 to Lv.40 can learn new skills.

Since it's Wizard, the job is mastering four elements as well as ghost element.

Every time you upgrade your Job level by five levels, it will grant you passive stats to strengthen your character.

And when it comes to builds, it can be divided into 3 main builds:

  1. Blazing Spark: Fire/Wind build

  2. Glacial Quake: Earth/Water build

  3. Soul Buster: Ghost build

  1. Blazing Spark: Fire/Wind build

  1. Glacial Quake: Earth/Water build

Marsh of Abyss - An ST Earth Damage skill

Earth Strain - An empowered Earth skill dealing AoE Earth DMG with debuff

Frost Nova - A ST Water skill

Jack frost - An empowered AoE Water skill that causes debuff

  1. Soul Buster: Ghost build

Soul Barrage - A passive skill that deals ST Ghost DMG per 3 sec

White Imprison - A ST Ghost damage skill that increases the DMG of subsequent Ghost DMG skills dealt on target

Soul Strike - A skill that freely casts 3 energy balls to deal damage

Soul Expansion - An empowered ghost skill that deals powerful ST DMG

Teleport - A skill that sends you a short distance to the target direction, which can cross terrain.

==================================================================== Each 3rd job has its own unique charge-up gauge. For Warlock, it will be Tetra Vortex.

For every 3rd job basic skill cast by Warlock, 2 orbs will be earned and stored in the spell book, which can be consumed to cast empowered skills. It also stores the spells you cast. When it is fully charged, you will be able to unleash multiple spells at a time for super burst damage.

For Warlock, all 3rd job skill-specific weapons are one-handed, so it's nice you can have the shield. The weapon choice will be available from S2 Divine Armament.

When your job is advanced to a 3rd job, it comes with the Nebula Path and Nexus Engine, and these 2 systems are strong enough to improve your character. Let's look forward to them!

Last updated
