
Written by Mumei #4529 from ROO Discord Tavern

Having a hard time defeating a monster?

How about using an element that counters your target?

In this guide, we will look into the Elements.


Elements are properties that can strengthen or weaken attacks. Every adventurer and monster in the game has an element.

There are ten different elements: Neutral, Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Poison, Holy, Shadow, Ghost, and Undead.

Every element has strengths and weaknesses against other elements except Neutral.

Some attacks (like the melee attacks of monsters), have no element.

Such attacks are referred to as Neutral.

Elements can be grouped into two types: Attack and Defense.By default, an adventurer's attack and defense elements are both Neutral.

However, it can be changed by equipping certain weapons, armor, or cards, or by using certain skills or items.

Here are some examples:

2.Element Defense

Giearth Card reduces your Earth damage taken by 10%

Steel Chonchon Card reduces your Wind damage taken by 5%

School Umbrella reduces your Water damage taken by 10%

While using cards like the Swordfish Card changes your defense element.


Adventurers can use Element Converter to change their attack element.

They can also use Element Scrolls to change the element damage.

On the other hand, you can use cards like Vadon. This card does not change your weapon attribute but increases the damage you dealt against a certain element. Please note: Some skills are Forced-Neutral like the Asura Strike.


Monsters have only a defending element.

But they can inflict elemental attacks using skills.

That's it for the Elements!

Let's check the target's element and counter the element to our advantage.

Last updated
